Opening tip '09-10: No. 6 McMaster Marauders

  • Top 100 returnees: F Keenan Jeppesen* (28th last season at Western)
  • Other key returnees: G Jermaine DeCosta, G Scott Laws, G Tyrell Vernon, F Cam Michaud
  • Newcomers: F Ryan Christie, G Victor Raso
  • Coach: Joe Raso (18th season)
  • Offence and defence: 91, 84 (+7)
  • Last year's results: 17-11 overall, lost to Windsor in OUA West semifinal, 14th in RPI
  • Looking ahead: The Marauders are big, strong and aggressive and capable of turning games into track meets, where the other team looks like it's sucking wind pretty badly. They can cut off penetration to the basket, especially when an excellent defender such as DeCosta is defending up top, and Jeppesen and man-child freshman Christie are able to contest shots

    On top of returning 76% of last season's points, Mac also (you might have heard this already) has added Jeppesen. The big man is a 20-and-10 threat who helped Western twice reach the national semifinal before bowing out to the eventual CIS champs.

    There is a lot to like with the Marauders. If they get good play from the 1-spot and can shoot the odd three-pointer to make teams defend them honestly, they'll be the favourite to win the OUA West. That stands whether 6-foot-9 Mouctar Diaby (76th in PER) and former star Terry Licorish ultimately return.
Rob's explanation of Top 100 players by Player Efficiency Ratings (see last year's PER) and Net Efficiency may be found in the women's preview.
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  1. Also the possible additions of both 6'9 Mouctar Diaby and 6'9 Terry Licorish could add depth to their inside game...
    Also love the comment of man-child freshman Christie.. that kid is big!

  2. I should make a note on Mouctar and Terry.
