Linking the country ... where the streets have no fans?

  • So, not too many people turned out for a Vanier Cup parade in Quebec City. You would think there was no home team playing.

  • Saint Mary's Steve Sumarah is coach of the year. (The Canadian Press)

  • Lou Deslauriers is out as Simon Fraser's defensive coordinator; please start the rumour he's headed to UBC. (That's meant to be tongue-in-cheek!) (Little Man on Campus)

  • Football is life, or something like that. (Saskatoon Star-Phoenix)

  • Remember, kids, Rob Bagg was once an undrafted free agent and now he's starting in a Grey Cup. (Saskatoon Star-Phoenix)

  • Calgary backup QB Deke Junior expects a "neutral crowd" at the Vanier Cup. (Regina Leader-Post)

  • Shomari Williams' idols include Warren Buffett. Hey, my sister is based in Omaha! (Kingston Whig-Standard)

  • Queen's defensive end Osie Ukwuoma credits his time at the Calgary Stampeders training camp for making him a better player. (Canwest News Service)

  • Sticking with the Golden Gaels, wideout Scott Valberg has come a long way in his career. (Le Soleil)

  • A London Free Press reporter is cheering for the Queen's what's-their-names in the Vanier Cup (she wasn't sure if they are Gaels or Golden Gaels; it's still the latter). (30 Below)
  • No. 10 Simon Fraser has been finding success with the Princeton offence (if you have to ask ...) (Canwest News Service, Little Man on Campus)

  • The best backcourt in the country? Toronto's Rob Paris and Nick Magalas, in Jim Thomas' considered opinion. (TheHoop-la)

  • The AUS will be down to one unbeaten team after tonight's Acadia-St. FX tilt. Terrence Taylor's knee is still giving him problems. (Halifax Chronicle-Herald)
  • Centre Matt Caria is the latest in a line of Sault Ste. Marie boys to suit up for the Lakehead Thunderwolves. Caria, as noted earlier, would make his CIS debut Dec. 29. (Thunder Bay Chronicle-Journal)

  • Friend of the site Bill Hunt has a ton of St. Thomas and UNB tidbits today. CHSR-FM in Fredericton is going to air STU women's games over the rest of the season, making the Tommies one of the few teams to get consistent radio coverage. Also, Charles Lavigne is back from injury for the STU men. (Fredericton Daily Gleaner)

  • Calgary and Alberta resume their women's hockey series tonight. (Edmonton Sun)
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  1. Calgary was crazy last night: no home team playing there either.

  2. Congratulations to Coach Sumarah! He aways seems to keep SMU in with the top teams in the CIS and anyone that knows him can tell you he is a first class person!

  3. Sum-A-rah guys. And Congrats!

  4. Funny how fickle sports fans are eh? I go to most of the Acadia Axemen home games, they are on a 7-8 game winning streak and yet the attendance was 1300 or so in a 2000 seat mind boggles at this.
