Football: Twice is nice for Scramble EG; Glavic wins Hec Crighton

Calgary QB Erik Glavic, fulfilling Rob's forecast, became the first CIS player to win the Hec Crighton Trophy at two schools.

The Dinos were the lone team to win two individual honours. The honours were as follows:
  • Presidents' Trophy (standup defensive player): Concordia LB Cory Greenwood
  • J.P. Metras Award (down lineman): Windsor C Matt Morencie
  • Peter Gorman Trophy (rookie of the year): Calgary DT Linden Gaydosh
  • Russ Jackson Award (academics, athletics and citizenship): Manitoba LB Thomas Hall
No doubt people have heartfelt opinions about the case for the other nominees, but please be happy for the players who won and their peeps.

The Frank Tindall Trophy (coach of the year) and Gino Fracas Award (top volunteer assistant coach) will be handed out Friday morning. Calgary's Blake Nill is up for the Tindall; he could join Tuffy Knight (Laurier and Waterloo) as the only coach to win with two teams.

Glavic's historic Hec Crighton win (Globe & Mail)
Another Hec of a year; Dinos' Glavic wins second Hec Crighton Trophy (Calgary Herald)
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  1. I wrote a column about Glavic's transfer back for The Concordian when it happened with the punch line being it's a big story when a Hec winner transfers, but no one will care because no one knows who Eric Glavic is... I also saw a freshman Glavic take a ranked Concordia team to 6 OT's when he was with SMU.

    As for Greenwood, that makes it 3 different President's Trophy winners from Concordia over 4 championships and 5 years. Hopefully Gerry McGrath doesn't become the CIS version of Joe Paterno.

  2. That is quite the run by the Stingers.

    As for the Paterno comparison ... I'd be worried if McGrath starts telling you he's not allowed to read the Concordian because it "angries up the blood."

    (At this point, Joe Paterno and Abe Simpson are virtually indistinguishable.)

  3. You know, it would be a real shame if Glavic didn't even get a sniff in the CFL. He's got a prototypical frame (6'6"), he's mobile, he has the ability to throw on the run and under duress, and he has now won the Hec Creighton twice. Screw the Canadian quarterback stigma, I hope at least one of these CFL teams has the stones to take a shot on Glavic. I personally wouldn't mind seeing him understudy for Printers for my Lions for a few years then take the helm there. When you consider the last man to win two Hec Crightons is also the last QB to make an appearance on a CFL roster, (Tommy Denison), it begs at least a look.
