Shi Davidi of the Canadian Press had a nice piece today on the Vanier Cup's anticipated return to the Rogers Centre this season as part of Grey Cup week:
For the first time the country's two biggest championship football games will be played on the same weekend, an idea that has floated around for years with Canadian Interuniversity Sport officials running both hot and cold on it.

The Grey Cup's 2007 return to Toronto's Rogers Centre and the Argonauts' desire to create a “Celebration of Football” weekend ended the debate and prompted the CIS to roll the dice. If all goes well, the Vanier Cup will attract a huge crowd and gain more exposure than it has ever had; if it doesn't, the game will get lost in a much bigger and more popular event.
Attendance and relative popularity are always going to be a theme when it comes to the Vanier Cup; expect this to be a storyline all year as football season builds towards the event.
Well, here's the latest endeavour.

I honestly don't know how prolific I'll be given my homes here, here and here, and a fourth blog seems, well, just a little nutty.

But I've been covering and watching CIS now for four years, the past two for The Globe and Mail, and I really believe the league and its coaches and athletes don't receive nearly their due when it comes to coverage in this country.

At the very least, this will give me a forum to point out some of the best CIS-related items I see throughout the year and perhaps expand on items written for the paper. I'm hoping this can become more of a group blog, where others interested in opining on all things Canadian university sport can join in.
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