Football: National awards finalists, all 4 conferences!

Since they're in direct competition with each other (fight! fight! fight!), it makes sense to list the Canada West, OUA and QUFL national award nominees side-by-side.
  • Hec Crighton Trophy (outstanding player) — Calgary QB Erik Glavic; Western QB Michael Faulds, Laval QB Benoit Groulx, Mount Allison WR-KR Gary Ross

  • Presidents' Trophy Award (top standup defensive player) — Saskatchewan linebacker Taylor Wallace, Western LB-LS John Surla, Concordia LB Cory Greenwood, St. FX LB Tom Lynch

  • Frank Tindall Award (coach of the year) — Calgary's Blake Nill, Laurier's Gary Jeffries, Saint Mary's Steve Sumurah (QUFL is TBA, but how could it not be Glen Constantin of Laval)

  • Peter Gorman Trophy (rookie of the year) — Calgary DT Linden Gaydosh, McMaster CB Cody Lynch, McGill QB Jonathan Collin, St. FX DL Nate Annan

  • John Metras Award (top lineman) — Alberta DE Craig Gerbrandt, Windsor C Matt Morencie, Laval OL David Bouchard, Saint Mary's DE DeVon Hicks

  • Russ Jackson Award (outstanding student-athlete) — Manitoba LB Thomas Hall, Queen's LB T.J. Leeper, McGill REC Charles-Antoine Sinotte, Acadia OL Greg Knight
Predictions welcome. Who knows how you predict them, though. Jeffries over McMaster's Stefan Ptaszek as a coach-of-the-year nominee is a bit surprising. Jeffries did a good job but Mac showed more improvement and had a playoff win (albeit one that came about since they lost to Laurier earlier).
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  1. Where did you get the info about Constantin winning the QUFL coach of the year since it hasn't been announced yet?

  2. Obviously from my very fertile imagination — it's been corrected.

  3. Do the pundits think Sonny Wolfe (McGill) has a shot at being the QUFL nominee? Bringing the Redmen out of the Abyss did not look like an easy feat.
