Football: Saint Mary's removes some seating

Saint Mary's just lost seating for about 300 fans, so if you're heading to a Huskies football game, you might want to bring a blanket to sit on, just in case:
"The problem is not rotting concrete and steel but deterioration of the earth embankment behind it. "The mud in the back of the seats is sliding," (Saint Mary's athletic director Steve) Sarty said.

"The remaining concrete infrastructure will seat up to 1,700, said Sarty. The university has some temporary seating at field level and will bring in a portable club-seat section, which includes some luxury boxes, to add more than 500 seats for football.

"It is a bad year to lose seating with the stadium set to be the site for the 2009 Uteck Bowl between the AUS and Canada West winners." — Monty Mosher
Most people who have been to a game at SMU (and for you Ontario types, it is said, "Su-mu," not "S-M-U") come away liking the setting and atmosphere. The infrastructure could use an upgrade.

Section of Huskies Stadium declared unsafe, to be torn down (Monty Mosher, Halifax Chronicle-Herald)
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