Hockey: Spreading the gospel...

The Yahoo! Sports hockey blog, Puck Daddy, has been running an awesome "5 Reasons I Love Hockey" feature, collecting testimonials from media personalities such as TSN's Bob McKenzie and top hockey bloggers such as James Mirtle and Erin Nicks and

The series was supposed to run in the summer, but Greg Wyshynski extended it into the season. Guess who got his chance today?

The intent was to try to cite five reasons that had not been previously mentioned. You bet your sweet bippy CIS hockey got some love.

Five Reasons Blogging Journalist Neate Sager Loves Hockey (Puck Daddy)
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  1. Good job Neate ... love the UNB plug! :-)

    You might have mentioned that 5 of the 8 AUS hockey teams average over 900 fans a game in the regular season.

    Wanna talk tough roadtrip? StFX will be playing current NCAA champ Boston University and previous winner Boston College back-to-back on Oct 3-4.

  2. I shoulda had a V8 ... and I should have remembered some teams are going down to play Hockey East schools. Thanks, David.
