Football: York's McLean to sit out over Hooey fallout

There was a reason York Lions coach Mike McLean was not on the OUA football conference call earlier Thursday:
:"(York athletic director Jennifer) Myers also suspended McLean from coaching in York's next game, Saturday in Guelph.

"York is a repeat offender of the eligibility rule – previously in soccer, field hockey, men's ice hockey and track and field – and could face a hefty fine or other sanctions." — Toronto Star
Five violations in seven years? York could be at the point where it has to cover its tokhes to look good to Canadian Interuniversity Sport.

York quarterback ineligible, suspended for season; 'It was a mistake that has impacted on many people,' director says
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  1. Most NCAA programs have five violations every year!

  2. I recall that uOttawa blew the whistle on themselves about 10 years ago when they discovered players that, if I recall correctly, simply weren't taking enough credits and ended up having their post-season victories forfeited, went unranked for a season, played all playoff games on the road, and paid a hefty fine.

  3. I do find the lead in the Star story a bit disingenuous (and maybe I'm being harsh). Hooey is ineligible to play for a year since he transferred and is NOT in a graduate program, so how do you suspend a guy who isn't allowed to play in the first place?

    Yes, York suspended the coach for a game, but I think they will have to do more self-punishment than that if this repeat offender wants to avoid CIS sanctions. On the other hand, the CIS rarely swings the big stick, unlike the NCAA to the south ...

  4. Isn't it punishment enough just to sit and watch a York Lions football game?

  5. Wait a second. How can York claim to have self-disclosed this ineligibility when Grossman reports that it was Steve Sarty at SMU who "blew the whistle"?

  6. Rob:

    It depends on what your definition of "is" is.

    Perhaps Sarty told York directly and they self-disclosed. That wouldn't be blowing the whistle, in the literal sense.
