Morning rounds ... Laval, Montréal continue Hatfield-McCoy dynamic

  • Some more bad blood between Montréal and Laval, over a hit Rouge et Or linebacker Frédéric Plesius laid on the Carabins' much smaller Mathieu Razanakolona following a turnover. Football players typically have a memory like an elephant. (Le Journal du Québec)

  • What comes out of journalism is more interesting to read about than what goes into journalism, but a Waterloo Region Record reporter says he got a bit of a runaround trying to get a post-game comment from Waterloo QB Evan Martin.
    "Skip to Saturday and I try to get a few words from Cameron Heights grad Evan Martin, who had just played a solid game ... in a 34-24 loss to the Guelph Gryphons.

    "I'm told he has to check with UW offensive coordinator Joe Paopao. A few seconds later, I'm informed by an apologetic Martin that he's not allowed to speak with me.


    "I have to go over Paopao's head and ask UW head coach Dennis McPhee for permission to speak with Martin. He wants to know why.

    "Um...because I'm a reporter and that's my job, I respond."
    To continue on a theme, this falls under the heading of having all schools sign off on a media policy. Coaches should not have to be a buffer between reporters and players.

    The funny part is when athletes usually respond well when they're trusted to decide for themselves if they want to talk. (Waterloo Region Record)
  • Former St. FX goalie Danny Battochio is competing to win a job with the Central league's Rapid City Rush. (Rapid City Journal)
  • Ten of Acadia's 12 players are in their first or second seasons, but Anthony Sears and Owen Klassen are going to leave a mark in Wolfville. (Nova News Now; via
Media miscellany
  • Le Pony Express is podcasting en français.

  • Andrew Bucholtz is scheduled for a radio spot on AM 980's The Hook with Norman James on Saturday.

  • Nikolas Wood, who has covered Carleton Ravens basketball for the Charlatan campus newspaper across the past couple season, has started a new website, Life Athletics. Nik has a lot of good content up already, including an interview with graduated Carleton star Stu Turnbull.

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