Football: OUA-QUFL exhibition games

The QUFL's pre-season press release which went out this morning mentioned some exhibition games, for anyone who cannot wait until Sept. 3 (QUFL opening night) of Sept. 6-7 (opening days in the OUA) to get a football fix:
  • Ottawa at Sherbrooke, Saturday, Aug. 29, 1 p.m.
  • Western at Laval, Sunday, Aug. 30, 1 p.m.
  • Concordia at Laurier, Sunday, Aug. 30, 2 p.m.
If this is a small step toward some cross-over games which count in the standings ... well, that would be nice.
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  1. Should be Concordia at Wilfrid Laurier.

  2. FIXED, thanks. The QUFL press release today said, "before the regular season starts, Concordia, Laval and the Sherbrooke Vert et Or will host pre-season games against a trio of Ontario schools." Lost in translation, eh. I'll go with what you say.
