Basketball: Kong says he'll be at Gonzaga — Vancouver Sun

The Vancouver Sun article about the famed Kitsilano Beach basketball courts would be awesome even if it did not mention Bol Kong, as well as Saint Mary's guard Joey "King Handles" Haywood:
"Kong, who is off to Spokane's Gonzaga University this fall on a full scholarship, says it's harder to score here than it is indoors because of the double ring on the top of the basket in the outdoor courts — not to mention the wind. He feels the double challenge has made him better, too."
The reporter, Yvonne Zacharias, presumably asked Kong about his fall plans. There is little reason he would say, "Yes, I'm going to 'Zaga" if he was not sure. The rumour mill has had the 6-foot-7 Kong possibly lacing up for the Trinity Western Spartans or St. FX X-Men if he could not get clearance to enter the United States. There is no reason not to believe Kong, whose story has been covered well off and on since the summer of 2007. Point being, it is good to hear that he's going to Gonzaga.

Cool at Kits: Vancouver beach Canada's summertime hoops mecca; From talking trash to Steve Nash, this slice of asphalt paradise has seen it all (Yvonne Zacharias, Vancouver Sun)
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  1. Actually, I heard via hearsay (friend of his) that Bol got his visa papers in order just last week. So hopefully things work out for him.

  2. Good to hear, Sean ... my feeling all along was that as much as we try to talk up Canadian university ball, someone who has the ability to be a D-1 starter should be in the U.S.
