Basketball: Call them the Roy-erson Rams; Rana introduced as coach

Via the Ryerson Rams' YouTube channel, here is Roy Rana's first public appearance at the helm of their men's basketball program.

Rome wasn't built in a day. This should sow the seeds of pretty good U of T-Ryerson rivalry. Mark Wacyk, talk about timing, has a capsule look at the Varsity Blues posted.

Trenchant quotes from Ryerson SID Jim McLarty's release:
  • Rana: "I think for us it's really going to be about taking positive steps forward, and giving ourselves the opportunity to make the playoffs consistently every year," he said. "And once we're there giving ourselves the chance to play for an OUA championship and a trip to nationals. That's the goal."

  • AD Ivan Joseph: "We were drawn to Roy by his international experience and ties to the local community ...We've always believed that basketball has been a hidden gem at Ryerson, and we feel that his hiring is the next step in our continued efforts to build the Ryerson basketball program."

  • Joseph:"He (Rana) has built a legacy at the high school, provincial and national team level. Roy has a proven track record of success everywhere he has gone."

  • Rana: "I think for us it's really going to be about taking positive steps forward, and giving ourselves the opportunity to make the playoffs consistently every year ... And once we're there giving ourselves the chance to play for an OUA championship and a trip to nationals. That's the goal."
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