Football: QUFL books Thanksgiving weekend off

Highlights of the QUFL schedule, which McGill SID Earl Zukerman has passed along:
  • Québec is taking a step that others, such as Greg Layson, have long called for, which is not playing Thanksgiving weekend.

    All six teams play on Saturday on the previous Oct. 3 weekend and play Saturday games the following week. No one gets an extra day to get ready for a big game, which is the case in the OUA.
  • Fans in the Atlantic won't get a visit from Laval, since the national champions' lone cross-over contest is at home. McGill and Concordia each cross over twice:
    Sept. 26: St. FX-Concordia, Sherbrooke-Saint Mary's, McGill-Mount Allison, Acadia-Montréal
    Oct. 17: Bishop's-St. FX, Concordia-Acadia, Mount Allison-Laval, Saint Mary's-McGill
    That might be a tough one for McGill.
  • The home-and-homes:
    Bishop's: McGill, Laval
    Concordia: Sherbrooke
    Laval: Bishop's, Montréal
    McGill: Bishop's
    Montréal: Laval, Sherbrooke
    Sherbrooke: Concordia, Montréal
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1 comment:

  1. That line about "first time in the post-war era" in the CIS release is strange for those of us whose university of choice didn't exist until the 1950s.

    The OUA could do this (the bye week) if they cut out that first round of playoffs. Would be nice to see. But that's the MLB fan in me talking.
