Football: Good Gryph, life is suite for Tom Dimitroff

"Being positive about what you do is important, whether you're making $16,000 living in Regina or exponentially more living in Atlanta.

"You must also be passionate about your work. Embrace it and enjoy the journey because you’ll never get that time back. Lastly, you must persevere through all the tough times because there’s a light at the end. There are many times in our lives when we feel like we’re at a standstill. I've been fortunate to move along and achieve my career goals, but I know that if I hadn’t persevered, I wouldn’t be in the spot I am now. And let me tell you, it’s an incredible place to be." — Thomas Dimitroff
Those seems like some good words to live by from Dimitroff, the newly minted Sporting News NFL executive of the year, and former Guelph Gryphons defensive back. Much larger media outlets have already done a better job telling the story of his football odyssey, but it would have been remiss not to give some acknowledgement.

The Canadian Press has athlete and team of the year awards. Dimitroff, who spent his formative years in Canada, is a pretty good argument for having one for the best Canadian sports executive.

Falcons GM Dimitroff is SN's NFL executive of the year (
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