Hockey: University Cup Notebook

So my day started waaay too early this morning (4:30 AM ADT at the Fredericton airport ...) but the flights have been good and it is sunny and cool out here in Thunder Bay. They had the opening press conference at 11:00, not noon as I somehow thought (based on last year) so I was late ... Oh well.

I was on the same connecting flight from Toronto as the Sportsnet guys -- Rob Faulds will be doing the play by play this year for the TV games and Sam Cosentino will be doing colour. Like last year, it is refreshing to see the TV guys arrive in time to watch all the games and do their homework.

Looks like there are lots of media wanting to get face time with SMU's Mike Danton, as expected. Coach Trevor Steinburg brought captain Marc Rancourt and Scott Brophy to the opening press conference, but they were getting almost ignored as many are asking about Danton's schedule and when they can interview him. Steinburg tells them when the team practice time is ...

Of course SSN is doing webcasts of all the games, but is there demand out there for LiveCasts for all of the games to complement the webcasts? I'm here, as is Evan Daum who could pitch in for the non-Alberta games. Neate or Andrew will have to give me some setup tips ...

Apparently there won't be a keynote speaker at tonight's award banquet ... which is probably just as well considering the snafus they had last year.

According to the local paper, over 2500 tournament passes have been sold, which is an improvement over last year. This year they've added two-game day passes for the walk-up crowd priced at $39.99 which should suit those Thunderwolves fans who only want to watch the LU games.
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  1. David,

    Sounds like a plan to use CoverItLive. Just shoot me an e-mail or telephone me at my home number in Ottawa early Thursday. I can host liveblogs on the weekend games.

  2. Liveblog might be easier to follow for those of us on mobile phones etc than trying to stream the games...if you've got the time.

    I'm curious to see how the crowds do this year.
