Football: CFL makes training camp exception for Canadian QBs

Western Gazette sports ed. Arden Zwelling passed along a good nugget from the CFL evaluation camp:
"Interestingly, this year the CFL made it clear that any Canadian quarterbacks invited to training camp would not count against a team's training camp roster, which is capped at 75. This means teams can invite as many quarterbacks to camp as they please, as long as they're Canadian. The league hopes this will level the playing field for Canadian quarterbacks and help them crack a team's roster by simply having the chance to show their stuff at training camp."
Every little bit helps, even if someone is only coming in to be a human interest story and to provide an extra arm.

There's a ton of twitterage about the E-camp, including from Canada Football Chat, Allez Les Bleus, Jaime Stein, Ridley Scouting and others. Laurier running back Mike Montoya set a record in the bench press with 40 reps, by the way. This is all best left to the hardcore football folks; it's the off-season to some of us.

Breaking down the CFL's E-Camp (Duane Forde, TSN)
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