Basketball: Scheduling shenanigans

The OUA men's basketball season tipped off last night -- who knew?

That's precisely the point. It is a missed opportunity when a league cannot have all its teams begin the conference season on the same weekend. Four OUA men's teams play a single game this weekend, before everyone begins in earnest next weekend.

Having each conference and each team begin its regular season in the same week, for all team sports, would get some serious consideration if this site did the "5 Things I'd Change About The CIS." From a marketing standpoint, it is good to have everyone at the starting gate at the same time. It should not be that hard with 27 football teams across the country and the 16 OUA schools who play basketball.

It might not be necessary on a national level. On a conference level, it's more neat and orderly and perhaps it helps with generating media interest. The OUA West women's teams started playing this week and there were two random OUA East games -- even though teams are supposed to be play cross-over games from here till the holiday break. There's a disjointed feeling.

Nationally, there's a three-week gap between Canada West starting its conference season and Quebec getting going.

Toronto beat Ryerson 92-78 last night behind 36 points from Nick Magalas and Laurentian is at York tomorrow. All of those teams, though, will have one less game in the New Year, when teams are generally rounding into peak form. In other words, for the sake of scheduling, they might have been put at a disadvantage.
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