Meet the team: our 2010-11 lineup

If you'll allow us a moment of indulgence, we wanted to highlight our excellent lineup of contributors--the ones who will provide readers with top-notch coverage of all things CIS this year.

Who are we talking about? Glad you asked. In alphabetical order, here are our regular contributors:

Jared Book (@jaredbook) returns to discuss the distinct society—in sporting terms, that is. Jared, formerly with The Concordian, knows the Quebec university scene well, and we particularly welcome his insight on QUFL football.

Cam Charron (@camcharron) is one of our new Canada West basketball correspondents. Cam was previously the sports editor at Thompson Rivers University's The Omega and maintains The 'Eh' Factor.

Evan Daum (@evandaum)'s contributions will cover more in the men's hockey game, as well as some Canada West football, and we're happy to have him back as well. Evan also writes for The Gateway and Any Sport Any Time, maintains South Campus Sports, and can be heard on the Golden Bears' hockey and football radio broadcasts.

Brian Decker (@Decker_Brian) will expand upon his basketball coverage from last year's national championships, hopefully with fewer puns this time around. Brian can also be found at The Silhouette, where he is the sports editor, and he also contributes to their Boom Goes The Dynamite blog.

Luke Dotto, who has covered Laurier athletics for The Cord Weekly, returns for some more football and men's hockey talk, and will be instrumental in expanding our coverage into CIS soccer.

Kate Hole joins to offer insightful (and likely alliterative) thoughts on women's basketball, having just finished her career with the SFU Clan. Longtime readers will remember her well-received blog on the Clan site, which she kept for three seasons.

David Kilfoil is back with more AUS men's hockey coverage--a longtime beat of his, for example as a broadcaster with CHSR-FM. A veteran of the national championships, he'll have a front-row seat for the tournament in Fredericton this year, which we all look forward to.

Justin McElroy (@j_mcelroy) returns to cover some football, some men's basketball, and any other big-picture news that catches his fancy. Justin is Coordinating Editor of The Ubyssey, where he previously served as Sports and News Editor. He also blogs at MacleansOnCampus, focusing mainly on athletics and Western Canada post-secondary educational issues.

Mike Radoslav (@picante) is yet another one of our football correspondents, producing the Fans Top 10 rankings and opining on teams from across the country.

Neate Sager (@neatebuzzthenet) probably needs no introduction to our blog's readers, because...well, he ran the site for years. Now that he's taken a position covering major junior hockey for Yahoo! Sports, he might be spending less time here, but we're fortunate to have his insight in any form, on any sport.

Mike Treadgold (@miketreadgold) joins to discuss the OUA, and basketball and football in particular. Mike, formerly the sports editor at The Ontarion, now maintains Speak Into The Mike.

Not to mention what your humble editors will contribute throughout the year. Andrew (@AndrewBucholtz), for instance, is going to lead our coverage in men's volleyball (building on his tournament coverage from last year in Kamloops) and will contribute to our football and women's soccer coverage as well; and I'll do whatever it is I do around here. You can follow our post feed and commentary on CIS news on Twitter at @TheCISBlog.

Please note that this list of contributors is by no means exhaustive. There are some sports we'd like to cover more, and we're always looking for good people to help us out, so we may be adding more people as the university sports season unfolds.

So not to be unnecessarily optimistic, but we're excited for the upcoming year. We plan to cover more than we have before, with more contributors than we've ever had before. You could say this is kind of like "a group blog, where others interested in opining on all things Canadian university sport can join in."

Which, come to think of it, is exactly how (name-drop ahead...) James Mirtle described his vision for the blog three years ago this week, in his first post for this site.
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1 comment:

  1. The depth of this squad is a question mark as we are unsure if all of these writers can pull their own weight.
