Five to Ponder: Canada West's second-place-fest

Every week, Five to Ponder will highlight five upcoming games that might be worth your attention. After the weekend, Five for Pondering will recap the five games that were actually worth our attention. Hopefully the games we encourage you to watch end up being the interesting ones, but the Western Mustangs seem to find a way to blow that hope out of the water lately.

1. Exhibition in Edmontition
Men's hockey: UNB at Alberta (exhibition), Friday, 7:00pm MT

Over in that right sidebar, there's a link to men's hockey RPI for last year, and it says that Alberta were #1 and UNB were #2, even though neither of them won the national championship. If only our Evan Daum would be part of a broadcast of this rare September clash of the two heavyweights. Oh, wait: he is! Check out SSN for the call.

2. M. Constantin à Halifax
Football: Laval at Saint Mary's, Saturday, 1:00pm ET

Important announcement: @SMUHuskies would like you to prepare yourselves for football.

Is the game against Laval really the best time for SMU to bench Jack Creighton for Micah Brown? We'll find out tomorrow in our liveblog of the game...during which we'll also hopefully see that a 2010 roster has been posted for the Huskies. (No rush, SMU! It's only the day before the second game.)

3. Stop Sinopoli, Says Stefan
Football: McMaster at Ottawa, Saturday, 1:00pm ET

Mac's a game behind Ottawa for first, but the Gee-Gees have beaten Windsor and destroyed York so far, a two-game bonus that the Marauders have not yet enjoyed.

If you're a reader of The Sil's sports section, edited by our Brian Decker, you'll already know that Stefan Ptasek considers Brad Sinopoli "maybe the best player we have in the country" and has been preparing his defence for the QB all week. And if you're a reader of the Fulcrum's sports section, you'll already know they don't have a game preview posted.

4 and 5. Let's Break That Four-Way Tie For Second
Football: Alberta at Calgary, 1:00pm MT
Football: Saskatchewan at Regina, Saturday, 7:00pm CT

Alberta is the lone 2-0 team in Canada West and four others, including the three teams above, are tied for second with 1-1 records. We also have two intra-provincial rivalries here, both of which will be repeated on the last weekend of the season. Need I say more?
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