Linking the country: lock up your teenaged soccer players, Saskatchewan!

  • Our partners at The Score have OUA coverage on their blog, including this video profile of Guelph coach Stu Lang. One notable quote from Lang: He thinks that, due to insufficient coaching, they let down Justin Dunk, who he thinks was effectively the best QB in the OUA. (University Rush blog)

  • Not scoring a passing touchdown against York's and Toronto's secondaries isn't sitting well with Lang. (Guelph Mercury) But apparently it sits well with D.J. "Donnovan" Bennett, who put Guelph 6th on his ballot. (University Rush) This tweet is...not completely incorrect.

  • There are actually some positive things to say about Toronto this year. Good to see. (AlwaysOUA)

  • SMU have lost two players to ineligibility rulings after their appeals were denied. Short version (and I await correction from better-informed observers): because Rodrigo Davalos and Blair Ryan didn't play last year, and theoretically could have, they weren't considered under the grandfathering clause in a new eligibility rule. (Halifax Chronicle-Herald)

  • This has the most accurate lede about the Niagara region that you will read all year (both phrases referenced). Hilariously, the article itself provides supporting evidence for the first, with "Wilfred" in the third paragraph and a rouge apostrophe in the last one. As for football at Brock, if they want it, they could create momentum by just playing it, in club or intramural form. Do they, currently? (Brock Press)

  • And this is how you do a feature on a 19-year-old receiver; in this case, Regina's Rory Copithorn. (Regina-Leader-Post)

  • It's 54 years of officiating for Ken Green. (Toronto Star)

  • Ross Hagen scored a season's worth for Dal over the weekend. (The Chronicle-Herald)

  • If the drive-by media had an ounce of consistency in their CIS coverage, they would be all over Nick Clarke, a 30-year-old Brit, joining the Huskies. I, for one, eagerly await the Globe and Mail's outraged editorial on the subject. (The Star-Phoenix)

  • The U of S women had 80 minutes in their 5-0 loss to Alberta in which they did not look like a soccer team...and that's their coach saying that. (The Sheaf)

  • After Brock's men's team plays divisional rivals Guelph and Laurier this weekend, they're off to take on the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg. Looks like someone wants to get an early start on the tough OUA West. (St. Catharines Standard)

  • Need to know official commitments across men's basketball? Here you go. (Hoopstars Canada)

  • Just because the Simon Fraser Clan aren't in CIS doesn't mean their newly-posted schedule isn't interesting. For one, apparently they're playing a conference game on a Thursday during the last week of December exams? (SFU Clan)
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  1. IF Brock and Carleton both joined the OUA, would they move to a divisional set up?

    Perhaps Windsor, Western, Waterloo, Laurier, Guelph, and Brock in the West and Ottawa, Carleton, Queens, Toronto, York, and McMaster in the East? (Of course, there's wiggle room with Mac, Brock, and Guelph but the above seems to offer the most historical balance.)

    Teams could play all five division rivals each year and half the teams in the other division. Each year they would alternate opponents and home team.

    Teams could play quarter-finals within the division and then cross-over for the semi-finals to help accommodate any imbalances that might occur from year to year.


  2. It's already been nine minutes, and Neate hasn't put forth his Big East proposal. Hope he's feeling all right.

    (I actually like his proposal. Just having a go at Mr. Sager.)

  3. Does this proposal involve a "super league" of the top teams in Ontario, Quebec, and Atlantic Canada?

  4. Jason,

    More or less.

    What we'd have in mind is four 6-team divisions in Eastern/Central Canada.

    Atlantic conference -- same as present plus 2 more teams

    Ontario/Quebec -- Carleton, one other school somewhere along the 401/20, plus Bish, Sherby, Con U and McGill

    SOUA -- Waterloo, Windsor, York, Laurier, Mac, Guelph.

    Big East -- Laval, Ottawa, Montréal, Queen's, Western, U of T run on a Laval model.

    Canada West stays as is.

    Everyone can work out a 9- or 10-game reg season, with possibilities for interlock with Canada West.

    12-team national championship tournament. Four seeded teams get byes, first-round matchups and quarter-finals determined by region. The Big East would get more auto berths than the other 3 eastern/central divisions.
