When a highlight-reel goal actually is a highlight-reel goal

The YouTube clip of Queen's centre Brady Olsen's goal against RMC got played on TSN's That Hockey! that's night.

That segues into one main point about why the CIS should do whatever it can to be involved with the proposed amateur sports network. Look at it this way: Bill James once wrote a tongue-in-cheek essay about how nobody will know who you are in 30 years unless you have numbers, statistics that can be studied. In 2008, no one knows who you are unless you have highlights and no TV coverage equals no highlights.

On any given Friday and Saturday night in the CIS, you'll probably have a couple goals like the one Olson scored, plus a couple basketball dunks that are as sick, wisted and nasty as what you'll see in the NCAA on a typical night. But until it gets some slick, professional TV coverage, the networks likely won't touch it; it's got to make them look good too.

Incidentally, is it that hard for people at TSN pronounce a French-Canadian name? Colour commentator Matt Bisson's name is pronounced "Bison."

(Clip courtesy of Tyler King of CFRC.)
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1 comment:

  1. As a close relative of Matt Bisson,the two goals shown on Tsn were kind of a toss up maybe almost?Well whatever for the record our family name is pronounced "Bee-sew"or a easy way to remember is Don't bee-sew f----ing stupid!can't you read French!

    Anon-imiss Relative

    Denial Ontario
