Football: SMU's defence department in new hands (UPDATED)

Latest word on the off-season coaching carousel is that Danny Laramee, who had pretty good defences at Ottawa the past couple seasons, has taken a new post as the defensive co-ordinator at Saint Mary's.

Laramee comes advertised as someone who's a speed, strength and nutrition coach on top of being an X's-and-O's football guy. The Huskies are getting a good one — and Laramee won't change to change his coaching wardrobe much, going from Gee-Gees' garnet and grey to SMU's maroon and white.

(UPDATED, 4 p.m, Feb. 26: Ottawa has announced that Phil Roberts, a long-time assistant who coached in the CFL with the Renegades, has been promoted to the co-ordinator's role. No doubt he'll get down to business as soon as he done's coaching high school basketball — his team is in the Ottawa city championship tonight, as a matter of fact.)
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