"With 1:19 to go in the game, and Guelph trailing 64-57, Guelph's Nick Pankerichan stepped to the line and sank two free throws. I repeat — and my running totals in my notebook prove it — he sank two free throws. He clearly sank two free throws.The ball going through the basket, that's usually an absolute.
" 'I hit them both,' Pankerichan told me after the game.
"And he did. But the refs — and there were three of them, all supposedly 'qualified' —said he missed the first.
"To put this in perspective, it's like two referees and two linesmen saying a hockey player didn't score on a penalty shot when he clearly did."
Again, it goes back to the main point: More specialized media coverage of the CIS, especially on the blogs, might force some examination of the standards of officiating and record-keeping. There's really no excuse for that happening. Guelph coach Chris O'Rourke, whose team lost 68-60, is figuring out how to appeal, Layson reports.
UPDATE, Feb. 11, 12:15 a.m.: Layson's latest post clarifies that two of the three officials who worked the game -- but not the crew chief -- made efforts to apologize to Guelph, one in person and one via e-mail. It's still up in the air how this will be resolved.
UPDATE, Feb. 11, 11:50 a.m.: Layson points out that it might have been more of a scorekeeping error -- and McMaster hasn't had a whole lot to say about the matter.
Not an isolated case at all, in my mind. I haven't seen this happen in person at a hoops game before, but as I wrote about, I'm quite sure something similar occurred in the Queen's-Guelph volleyball game I was covering last Friday: Guelph scored a kill off a block, the announcer called it and everyone saw it, but the point wasn't credited on either the scoreboard or the official flip chart, so the only record of it is in my notebook. It makes you wonder how often this goes on when there aren't any reporters observing...