Basketball: A Memori-able shot

For your Friday morning/afternoon viewing pleasure, we turn to...well, someone on the Sea-Hawks. The play-by-play (and original link) says it's Tyree Haley, but Memorial says it's Ryan Brockerville:

Unfortunately, the context surrounding the play isn't up there with other classic buzzer-beaters: the Sea-Hawks were down 15 at the half (although it would have been 18...) and lost to Western 82-59. Still, should we modify the RPI to allow bonus points for awesome shots?

WOW! [A Sports Extra]
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  1. Was Tyree Haley, according to jersey numbers, Tyree Haley wears #44, Brockerville #11. Unless they were wearing each other's jerseys.

    Andrew Simpson
    Mustangs media relations assistant

  2. And spoke to Memorial
    It was actually Ryan Brockerville, they weren't wearing the numbers they had given us on the game sheet.

  3. Thanks, Andrew. Jersey number shenanigans are always a pain, so I sympathize. (Don't get me started on Waterloo's third, differently-numbered, jerseys.)

  4. Rob, you weren't kidding when you said this was awesome.
