Basketball: St. FX hoops alum seeks help in spouse's cancer fight

Mark Wacyk just put a post at calling attention to the dire needs of the family of former St. Francis Xavier player Chris Ross, who is now a respected basketball official in the Maritimes. His spouse, Lynn Ross, has been diagnosed with "an aggressive form of cancer," meaning it's scary time for the couple and their two boys, Patrick and Tristen. As Mark notes:
"Lynn has spent the past two weeks in Halifax hospital but may be eligible for emergency cancer treatment in Toronto. Friends and former X teammates of Chris have set up a fund to help the family offset the costs of getting Lynn, who is in her early 40's, these much needed treatments.

A 'Ross Family Fund' has been set up at a bank in Truro, where Chris lives, and a fundraiser is also planned for Nov. 6 in Truro. Those wishing to support the Ross Family can do so by making a donation to:

The Ross Family Fund
Bank of Nova Scotia
589 Prince Street
Truro, NS B2N 1G2
Phone: 902-895-7982

Donations can also be sent by inter-branch courier through any Bank of Nova Scotia in Canada. Simply use the transit Number (#01123) to forward funds to the West End Truro Branch of the Bank of Nova Scotia. On behalf of Chris's many teammates and friends, here's hoping the basketball community can fast break on this one.
It is amazing how fast word and goodwill can spread in these situations. Let's hope whatever people can lend will help. Please spread the word.
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