Football: Brannagan, Faulds, Glavic look to make cracks in CFL's glass ceiling

Scramble EG, Legend of the Faulds and Steely Dan getting invited to the CFL's evaluation camp is progress and as a bonus, is good PR.

The CFL didn't invite a single QB to the 2009 E-camp. That makes it it welcome news that two-time Hec Crighton winner Erik Glavic of Calgary, CIS career passing leader Michael Faulds of Western and Vanier Cup-winning Danny Brannagan of Queen's will get a look-see from the league in March. The bigger league is taking note of the talent of made-in-Canada quarterbacks, although there is nothing to bind them to carrying one on the dress roster. People would love to see it happen, even though bitter experience has made as all realists.

The Canadian QB controversy was a semi-hot topic during football season. David Naylor of and TSN wrote about "a Canadian game without the Canadians and The Toronto Star's Chris Young did a compare-and-contrast of the circumstances faced by Brannagan and the pre-eminent pivot in the U.S. college game, Florida's Tim Tebow.

It's probably a slam-dunk column topic for someone writing in Toronto that it might not be a half-bad idea for the Argonauts to give one of the three a honest-to-goodness look at training camp. The Argos need some positive publicity, something with a little stickiness. Having a hometown player such as Glavic (from Pickering, just east of Toronto) or one of two quarterbacks who traded touchdowns in two epic Western-Queen's games last season would generate some buzz.

(It's always a regret that the moniker for Brannagan didn't get busted out sooner. No word of a lie, on my Google Reader, the Queen's press release came up right after an article from Slate quoting Steely Dan co-founder Donald Fagen on the death of author J.D. Salinger. It pays to be eclectic, although it doesn't pay much.)
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