Hockey: Mike Eagles to step down as STU coach

In case anyone has forgotten, I went on a bit of a rant a few weeks ago about the pending shakeup with the St. Thomas head coach and athletic director positions, both held by former NHLer Mike Eagles.

Well the Aquinian, the student newspaper at St. Thomas, is reporting today that Eagles will step down as hockey coach to focus solely on the job of athletic director. Apparently a hiring committee has been struck and employment notices for the now vacant head coaching position will go out this week.

Rumor mill, start your engines!

Update: Bill Hunt from the Daily Gleaner throws out there some coaching possibilities Tuesday:
Among the front runners is expected to be former Tommies' defenceman and current assistant coach Eric Bissonnette and former Tommies defenceman Pat Powers, currently an assistant to University of Western Ontario head coach Clarke Singer.
Update #2: Wednesday Daily Gleaner sports editor Dave Ritchie offers his take on the coaching opportunities for St. Thomas and Bill Hunt has a story that effectively gives the edge in the job search to Eric Bissonnette.

Eagles stepping down as hockey coach (The Aquinan)
STU Begins Search for Men’s Hockey Coach (St. Thomas University Media Release)
New hockey coach at STU (Bill Hunt, Daily Gleaner)
New hockey coach needs to tap into the Tommies network (Dave Ritchie, Daily Gleaner)
Bissonnette: Coaching Tommies 'dream job' (Bill Hunt, Daily Gleaner)
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  1. Also related:

  2. Thanks, I added the STU link in the posting.
