Football: Québec conference announces all-stars

Laval takes the gateau with 11 selections -- five on offence, four on defence and Christopher Milo as both kicker and punter.

Meantime, Sherbrooke, with a 5-3 record, has only two players selected. McGill, which didn't win a game, has just as many. Bishop's, which missed the playoffs, has five. This is not meant to impugn anyone's selection. There is an argument you hear every year that the picks should reflect the standings, although that's debatable. McGill allowed 52 points per game. It has an all-star on defence. Sherbrooke allowed 19 a game and gets shut out.

(That's reminiscent of a year about a decade ago where when Queen's missed the playoffs but had three all-Canadian selections ... one Tricolour type was heard to remark, "You'd think they'd have let us have three wins, so we could have made the playoffs.")

Quarterback -- Benoit Groulx, Laval
Running backs -- Jamall Lee, Bishop's; Hantz Bourisquot, Montréal
Wideouts -- Keith Godding, Bishop's; Julian Féoli-Gudino, Laval
Inside receivers -- Alain Dorval, Sherbrooke; Erik Galas, McGill
Tackles -- Tom Cumberbatch, Bishop's; Christian Jacques, Sherbrooke; Sebastien Taché, Montréal (there was a tie in the voting)
Guards -- Luc Brodeur-Jourdain, Laval; Vincent Turgeon, Laval
Centre -- Louis-David Gagné, Laval

Ends -- Marc-André Beaudoin-Cloutier, Laval; Mathieu Brossard, Montréal
Tackles -- Etienne Legaré, Laval; Gregory Alexandre, Montréal
Linebackers -- Joash Gesse, Montréal; Cory Greenwood, Concordia; James Yurichuk, Bishop's
Cornerbacks -- Hamid Mahmoudi, , Montréal; Olivier Turcotte-Letourneau, Laval
Halfbacks -- Maxime Bérubé, Laval; Anthony Lukca, McGill
Safety -- Nick Arsenault-Hum, Concordia

Kicker -- Christopher Milo, Laval (as kicker and punter)
Kick returner -- Steve Turner, Bishop's
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