Football: CIS vs. D-2

Many people have tried to compare CIS football to Division 2 in the NCAA.

Well, you're in lucky. If you're a Rogers subscriber, it's been offering a free preview of College Sports Television (CSTV) to its customers -- channel 416 for this Ottawa subscriber. CSTV does have a D-2 game of the week, so if it's on your cable system, take a look-see and decide for yourself.
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1 comment:

  1. I watched a replay Friday afternoon (thanks for pointing out the station, which is also 416 in the GTA-ish area). What I was a football field surrounded by a track, barely ample stadium lighting, a small crowd, limited camera angles and questionable calls. So, basically, a CIS game. Oh, and the football was comparable, too. By no means is DII head and shoulders above the CIS.
