Football: Ultimatum for Morencie — five or fly

"... word out of the Windsor athletics and human kinetics department is that (Mike) Morencie will indeed coach the Lancers in 2009. However, if he doesn't win at least five gaves, the university will buy out the remaining year of his contract. It expires in July 2011. He must go 5-3 or his tenure ends." — Greg Layson, Big Man on Campus
One could be forgiven for thinking that the reason a change has not been made is because the coach has tenure.

It's not all Morencie's fault and it's true he has helped a couple players reach the CFL. However, keeping a coach on because there are problems within the program is a logical fallacy (and FYI, Bob Duff, Windsor's win over Ottawa was at home, not on the road).

Morencie on short leash (Bob Duff, Windsor Star)
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