Football: Fear of a "whole pile" of positive drug tests at Waterloo

It's not an oversimplication to make the link betweeen what's gone down at Waterloo and the CFL's cavalier approach to steroids, even if the cause-and-effect might not be so direct as imagined.
"The CFL, the potential employer of some university football players, remains the only major pro league in North America without a drug testing program.

"And now Canadian universities are looking at the cold reality that their existing drug policy lacks muscle."


" ... never before has one of the Canadian federation's own players been accused of trafficking performance-enhancing drugs.

"So while the CIS wades into new territory, administrators across the country hold their breath until the names of any drug cheats in the wake of UW's scandal are made public by May 1.

" 'If they get a whole pile of positive tests (in Waterloo), that will send a tremor through all of us at CIS football schools and we'll say, "What will we do?" because that would be huge,” University of Regina athletics director Dick White told The Regina Leader-Post."
Nathan Zettler, the former Warriors wideout now facing criminal charges, is out on bail but still banned from campus.

UW football player charged in steroid case out on bail (Greg Mercier, Waterloo Region Record)
Local schools call for CFL testing policy in wake of UW steroid case; Failure to implement policy at pro level sets bad example, university officials say (Christine Rivet, Waterloo Region Record)
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  1. Although it looks impressive on paper, the NFL's drug testing program is a sham, i.e., they too have a cavalier attitude towards drug testing.

    Were the NFL serious about catching guys on 'roids and the like, there would be dozens and dozens of suspensions each season. However, the optics of this would be terrible, so they simply "catch" a couple guys a season as proof their system works.

  2. Anonymous has a good point about the fallacy of drug testing. The action gives the powers that be, and those who are prone to screeching, "Won't someone think of the children!," a "comforted" feeling.

  3. I read an article a couple years ago in which an NFL beat reporter said, after just a short time covering his team, it was pretty easy (and obvious) to know which players were on 'roids. There were five or six on the team, none of whom ever got beat by the NFL's so-called gold standard drug-testing policy.
