Basketball: Bakovic bearing down on career record

Ryerson forward Boris Bakovic has an outside shot at becoming the OUA's career scoring leader this season.

Bakovic, as noted, is 417 points away from former RMC Paladins star Kevin Dulude's five-year-old OUA mark. Bakovic would need to average 30 points per game (currently he's averaging 22.9, down from last season's 27.3) to get the mark before the end of this season.

As you can see, a good first weekend in January could help Bakovic shoot into fourth, ahead of two former Brock Badgers:
  1. Kevin Dulude, RMC: 2,092
  2. Kiraan Posey, Lakehead: 1,879
  3. Kevin Stienstra, Brock: 1,737
  4. Norm Hann, Laurentian: 1,723
  5. Brad Rootes, Brock, 1,704
  6. Boris Bakovic, Ryerson: 1,675
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