Hockey: York's Preston puts his knowledge to use

Neat story about sophomore-to-be York Lions forward Cassidy Preston creating his own summer job by running a program called Complete Hockey Training.
"Never one to settle for a typical summer job, Preston ... has spent most of the past decade avoiding work indoors at the mall or flipping burgers at a fast food joint by plying his trade as a hockey player at various summer camps.

"That experience allowed the kinesiology student to develop his own training regimen about three years ago, using both his parents' basement and friend's garage as a two-pronged base of operations to train a handful of local hockey players.

"The past couple years, however, Preston has moved his summer livelihood to the spacious confines of Canadore College, Elite Hockey and the worldwide web, to help young hockey players improve their game by aiming to increase their speed, power, strength, agility, balance, reaction time and flexibility."
For a lack of a more profound term, it's always nice to see a student parlaying her/his knowledge into paying work in mid-degree and sharing information.

Ex-Trapper prepping for busy OUA off season (Jordan Ercit, North Bay Nugget)
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