Football: Gaiters' Lee fitting in with Carolina Panthers, eh

Credit is due to the Charlotte sportswriter who coined a new term — Canadian running — in a profile Jamall Lee, the Bishop's tailback who's on the Carolina Panthers' roster. It makes up for running over all the well-trod stereotypes about bacon, excessive politeness, snow and using British spelling.

Basically, Jamall Lee is fitting in well. The veterans would not be teasing him if they didn't respect his ability.
"Teammates try to mimic his accent, ask him how Canadians act and talk, and want to know about cultural differences such as bacon vs. Canadian bacon.

"They also kid him about his upright running style, telling him that's Canadian running right there. But the style is no joke. Unless Lee lowers his body, and thus his pads, to take advantage of his size (6-foot-1, 225 pounds), he'll present too large a target for defenders. If he returns to Canada, nobody wants it to be with a limp.

"Lee says he's learning to get lower. What he doesn't have to work on is his first step. Although he's big, his acceleration appears instant.

" 'As he's learned our system I'm seeing more of that speed,' coach John Fox says after Wednesday's summer camp practice. 'The more comfortable he's gotten, the better he's looked.' "
Maybe it's time to get some money down on whether Casey Printers will play for the B.C. Lions this season before Lee does.

Canadian Lee makes strides with Panthers (Tom Sorensen, Charlotte Observer)
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