Football: Junior World Championship streamed online

Blogging duty calls to point out is your destination if you want a live feed or live scoring from the Junior World Championship in Canton, Ohio. Team Canada, under Laval coach Glen Constantin, is already assured of a spot in the semi-final heading into its second round-robin game vs. Japan which kicks off at 4 p.m. in Canton, Ohio.

It's not as if this event did not come to attention earlier, but it is not clear how seriously it should be taken. Canada, Mexico and the U.S. won their first games by an aggregate score of 184-7 over New Zealand, Sweden and France. Did the French run the original Statue of Liberty play against the Americans? It would also not as a shock if the only thing written on their quarterback's play wristband was, "Prenez un genou."

All kidding aside (jokes that require users to know arcane football terms and be bilingual, that's good fun), it sounds like an event which could be beneficial for Canadian football players and coaches. Canada's staff is who's-who of good university coaches. There is a fair bit of CIS representation on the field as well. The roster is Quebec-dominated, but incoming Calgary Dinos tailback Steven Lumbala and receiver Taylor Nill (son of Dinos coach Blake Nill, who's coaching Canada's linebackers) each got in the end zone in Saturday's win over the Kiwis. Guelph defensive back Jordan Duncan also took down an interception. Another new Dino, tackle Kirby Fabien, is supposed to be impressed. Ottawa native Ron Omara, who plays junior football with the Cumberland Panthers, also had five tackles in that first game.

At the same time, it has humble beginnings. Western coach Greg Marshall had to decline an invitation to join Constantin's staff since it would have cut into recruiting time. The London Free Press also noted each player had to raise $1,000 for the trip and sacrifice three weeks of summertime employment, which is hard, especially with Ontario's tuition levels.

Did Anyone Actually Check To Make Sure The European Kids Knew How To Play Football? (Troy Nunes Is An Absolute Magician)
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  1. Western coach Greg Marshall had to decline an invitation to join Constantin's staff since it would have cut into recruiting time...

    Yeah, and what do you think Constantin and its 2 Laval coaches are doing in Canton? Recruiting!!! What else? they just begin 1 or 2 years in advance with the best players in Qc, all alone with them for 3 weeks in a special atmosphere...

    That's how, 2 years ago, they got the best Qc receiver Julian Feoli-Gudino (who was playing with Vieux-Montreal CEGEP), the natural Carabins nursery.

    It's the winners who set the rules... :(

    "Prenez un genou"?? We want to hear that on a football field... ;)

  2. Well done Ron Omara, although you are denined playing your usual position (Linebacker).
