Championships awarded

There will be plenty of time to get into the issues surrounding that one event that is unaccounted for, but from this week's me

  • Men's basketball: Will be played in Halifax in 2011 and '12 once the contract with Carleton/Capital Sports in Ottawa is up. (Rob Pettapiece covered this off several weeks ago.) It's really telling that no one else put in a bid.
  • Men's hockey: UNB will host the again for two years, starting in 2011, after the University Cup finishes its
  • Women's hockey: It's perplexing that the standard two-year deal was not followed. The Laurier Golden Hawks will host in 2011, followed by Alberta in 2012.

    The current setup for the women's nationals -- host team, four conference champs and a second team from the conference of the previous season's champion -- makes for a hard road to nationals out of the 10-team OUA (which is adding an 11th team, Ryerson.)
  • Women's rugby: Trent will host in fall 2010 and '11, marking the first time a Canadian university championship has been played at the Peterborough university (and the first time this site has used the Excalibur label.
About the Vanier Cup:

The only editorializing is that it's all well and good for Calgary, Laval, Western, Saint Mary's, the OUA, et al., to put in bids. Anything right now is a Band-Aid until there's a title sponsor located and some decisive action. That's not to say anyone wouldn't do a good job of hosting, but between the perception of a two-tier league (Laval, and all teams not named Laval), the lousy attendance at the Mitchell Bowl, there's a lot of repair work.
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