Maxim competition for the Vanier?

How's this for a crowd killer for the Vanier Cup this year: The Friday night of the big game, Nov. 23, the Grey Cup organizing committee will be throwing a huge Maxim girl bash atop the CN Tower, a shindig hosted by Trish Stratus and with Blue Rodeo as the house band.

The Tower party is nothing new — the details of it were announced way back in May — but Maxim's involvement is. The girlie magazine's Super Bowl party has taken on somewhat legendary status these days (tickets cost $5,200 in Miami earlier this year), and that's apparently what spurred the Grey Cup into coaxing them to, ahem, class up their festivities.

Now, obviously tickets are going to be hard to come by, but might this just be a draw keeping fans away from Laval vs. whoever in the Vanier?
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