Basketball: Even in the off-season, the Lancers watch film

The emotion was palpable the night the Windsor Lancers cut down the nets after beating Ottawa for the OUA women's basketball title, which was to be expected given all that the region has endured in the past few months (you might have heard something about that when junior hockey's Spitfires won the Memorial Cup last Sunday).

Now the Lancers' rise has been chronicled on film:
"Dream Circles is the 40-minute production of University of Windsor professor Min Bae, which will premiere June 16 at the Capitol Theatre.

"The film chronicles the team's transformation from perennial loser to OUA champions in 2008-09.

" 'It's highly emotional,' Lancers' coach Chantal Vallee said. 'I was exhausted after watching it. It has a great ending and a great beginning. It's really artistic. It's not a documentary, it's a film.' "
There is a premiere on June 16. Information on tickets is in the Windsor Star's story.

Lancers women's hoops team gets Hollywood treatment (Mary Caton, The Windsor Star)
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