Handwriting on the wall for Canada West applicants?

Canada West is set to make its decision to accept any of the three B.C. schools which have applied for membership and whether Fraser Valley and Thompson Rivers will have their probationary status lifted.

Reporter Jason Peters thinks UNBC's chances are "slimmer than a sheet of single-ply toilet paper," explaining:
"It's entirely possible that both SFU and UBC will remain in Canada West, possibly for the long haul.

"So does UNBC get in? What about UBC-O and VIU? Common sense says no to all three. At least not until the current Canada West picture is brought more into focus.

"As for the two probationary members — Thompson Rivers and Fraser Valley — their fates are as clear as a fog bank."
Something else notable about the Peters' story is that Canada West suggesting creating a Tier 2 for basketball, possibly as a sop to concerns raised by larger, more urban British Columbia schools about the calibre of competition. It might be dead in the water.

Anyway, as is our want, we'll stand to the side of it all and see how it shakes out at week's end.

UNBC basketball likely out of luck (Jason Peters, Prince George Citizen)
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  1. A 2nd tier would be ridiculous, it would only make the strong stronger and keep the top CIS players in urban areas. Canada West better wake up.

  2. The problem is the new uni's dont offer enough sports and would water down the two or four sports that they would add.

  3. Accepting any of these schools into the league would be like the OUA taking in Trent or Nippising.
    Fraser Valley is by far the best of that BCAA lot and so far they've been just OK.
    Thompson Rivers, on the hand, has been a joke.
    These three would be members I'm afraid would be even worse than TRU.

  4. Let's keep UFV and TRU (as bad as they are) because they're going to need years to develop their respective programs, rapport with recruits, and community support. Hopefully they'll at least be making playoffs in the next 5 years.
