Basketball: Glover's not the only one in Saskatoon with big steals

In all our (good-natured) speculation over where the Fourth-Year Four of the SFU Clan women's team would transfer, if they did at all, we forgot about those in their third year who would have just one NCAA season to play.

Thankfully, Darren Zary didn't.

For the second straight year, head coach Lisa Thomaidis has added a Canadian Interuniversity Sport (CIS) transfer student as a top recruit to her University of Saskatchewan women's basketball program.

This year, it's CIS top defensive player Katie Miyazaki, a guard from the national champion Simon Fraser University Clan.

Miyazaki has two years to play at the U of S, and they're probably relieved that she's joined them: Lindsay DeGroot's finished her career, and they lose Lindsay Copeland as well (possibly to Waterloo, but we'll see). As we noted during this year's final, Miyazaki is a remarkably effective player regardless of where the ball is on the court, and even though she's a defensive standout, her 2008-2009 season was also one of the better offensive performances in the country. Saskatchewan's getting a good one.

We'll let The NCAA D-2 Blog talk about what this means for the Clan; that's now two players who have transferred elsewhere, albeit with only one of them with NCAA eligibility left.

The literary world still waits expectantly to see which publisher will land Kate Hole.

SFU standout joins Huskies [Darren Zary, Saskatoon Star-Phoenix]
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  1. I referred to Showron Glover in the headline, so I should point out he isn't coming back, as confirmed in another Darren Zary article. This is not a complete surprise, but fans of any team (except the ones Glover would play against) and any members of the media (except the ones who don't like fun) should be disappointed.

  2. 3 year Carley Graham has left the Clan for Regina which means SFU is starting over with basically 3 very good rookies and 1 2nd year.
