Football: Stephenson returning to Windsor for fifth season

Running back Daryl Stephenson, the 2006 Hec Crighton Trophy winner, is apparently returning to the University of Windsor for a graduate degree.

Stephenson, who was in the Winnipeg Blue Bombers' training camp, has an outside shot at several CIS and OUA rushing records.

Lancer Stephenson impresses Blue Bombers coach Berry (Windsor Star)
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  1. Nowhere in that brief does it say he's returning to Windsor. It just says he's not playing for the Bombers. I haven't counted out seeing Stephenson in a Mustangs or Golden Hawks jersey come September.

  2. don't count out seeing him in Winnipeg either. I hear he is just working out contract negotiations. Will probably practice with the special teams. I think he left because he was pissed he didn't make starting roster.
