Sic transfer gloria for ex-Laval kicker

Placekicker Cameron Takacs, who got national media attention as an anglophone kicker from southern Ontario on Laval's Vanier Cup-winning team last fall, is continuing his career with the Concordia Stingers next season.

The Brantford, Ont., native was displaced this season after Rouge et Or coach Glen Constantin decided he to dress only one kicking specialist, Christopher Milo, the superior punter of thw two. Milo went just 12-for-19 on field goals (compared to Takacs' 19-for-21 in '06), but he was also the fourth-leading punter in the country with a 40.3-yard average.

Concordia's incumbent, Rene Paredes, has a better track record as a kicker than a punter. The rookie is the most accurate kicker in the country at 88.2% (15-of-17), but is fifth in the six-team Quebec conference in kickoff average and dead last in punting. Takacs could offer a slight improvement in those areas next season.

Takacs se tourne vers les Stingers (Richard Boutin, Media Matin Quebec)
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