Football: Waterloo was "promised" a season — ex-player

The War-roids saga has run its course until there is some news about Waterloo's triumphant return to the gridiron in 2011, or lack thereof.

While it is a couple weeks old, some might appreciate incoming St. FX O-lineman Colin Wicks' quotes about his former school in an interview with the excellent Monty Mosher two weeks ago.
"[Wicks] said any betrayal in the tawdry Waterloo mess is the domain of senior university administration, which told the blameless players they would have a team in 2010 before subsequently suspending the program for a year in June.

" 'A lot of people are pretty sympathetic to our cause,' Wicks, back in Nova Scotia this summer, said in an interview this week.

" 'We got backstabbed by the administration. I can’t put it any other words. They promised that we’d play this fall.' "
Halifax Chronicle-Herald, July 21 (emphasis mine)
That should have prompted the question, what changed Waterloo's mind? Excuse the belabouring, but Wicks' quotes would have been good column fodder for a writer in the Tri-Cities, instead of being ignored while everyone defers to authority figures and lives the lie.

Meantime, CIS football is poorer for it, literally so for schools forced to play home games well before a big part of their market, students, are in town.
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1 comment:

  1. And the CCES gets to make moronic claims about PED abuse in an attempt to justify their existence
