Media: Toronto's FAN 590 broadening OUA, CIS coverage

It's always good to hear of a media outlet in the GTA willing to give a little more time and space to university sports.

Toronto's FAN 590 is doing just that, starting Aug. 29. The former University Show will expand to two hours (8-10 a.m. ET, although much of the best bits will surely be put on the web, in podcast form) and be rolled into a new show called Sunday Morning With David Grossman.

The thrust of it, we're told, will be "everything but professional sports." With the new format for David Grossman's show, other post-secondary schools, including those in Ontario with Toronto-based alumni who listen to the station, can get in on the action.

It's a good step toward expanding the conversation about the OUA and CIS. It goes to show decision-makers such as FAN 590 programming director Don Kollins are aware that although university sport is niche, it deserves to get into the mainstream more.

And if the downtown Toronto schools, Ryerson and U of T, continue seeing more positive results in marquee team sports, that's going to influence interest in CIS.

(Thanks to a reader for passing along a tip.)
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