Football: They're punting--no, wait, they're not--hold on, maybe they are

Nothing earth-shattering to share from tonight's Queen's/McGill exhibition game, other than it gets cold when the sun goes down (who knew?!) and the attendance was in the several hundreds, but there was an amusing moment in the second quarter:

Third down, Queen's. They sent out their punting squad and McGill responded in kind. Then everyone stood around for a while until McGill called a timeout. At which point, the Gaels immediately put the regular offensive unit back in, so the Redmen quickly switched out their special teams for their defence. Once they did that, Queen's put the punter back in. Fun all around.

I forget how the play turned out, but if it's anything like the rest of the game, McGill was probably offside.

Earlier impressions of the Redmen's play selection were confirmed tonight, as they probably ran 20 pass plays for every running play. Other things, though, can be pretty much be summarized with "the Redmen are not a great football team" and unfortunately for McGill, I think we already knew that.
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1 comment:

  1. I think those can be called "Sheahanigans."

    Pat once went for it on 3rd-and-20 from the 35 in a playoff game vs. Western (no, not last year's). His rationale, if memory serves, was it too long for a field goal (it was snowing) and a punt would probably go into the end zone.

    It didn't work, but they got the ball quickly and scored.
