Football: Queen's stays gold

First things first: For anyone who had been speculating about Queen's new football uniforms, a well-placed source says, "our football helmet remains gold! You heard it here first... feel free to let the world know."

There was some speculation from commenters at Out of Left Field and elsewhere that a blue helmet might be a better background for Queen's Athletics new logo, which makes heavy use of gold. Seriously, though, the very thought of Queen's not having a gold helmet calls to mind that Seinfeld episode where George Costanza tells Cheers' George Wendt, "I don't mean to tell you how to run your show, but ... enough with the bar already."

The big takeaway from the announcement that adidas Canada will outfit all Queen's varsity athletes is that all teams will now wear gold at home and blue on the road. It's a regular conformity factory down there in Kingston, but in a good way.

The king of Kings, who's actually in Kingston, should have more on this later. Does anyone know how to upload a 20-page PDF to a Blogspot page? Failing that, if you're really desperate, it is available via e-mail. Shoot an e-mail to neatesager AT for the hook-up.

Queen's has a slideshow on its website.
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