Sipping a bit of the truth serum

This might be the most brutally honest game preview ever posted on a collegiate football team's official website... one can only imagine the Simon Fraser Clan coaches and players think about this. Some must be just sideways over this. It's a nothing game for the winless Clan vs. the unbeaten Manitoba Bisons, sure, but

"It's tough to put a positive spin on this final game of the year. On top of it all, the Bisons won the two previous meetings against the Clan by a combined score of 140-15.

"...The basic fundamentals of football are being forgotten by SFU on the field. Cornerbacks are being run off their routes and not paying attention to the play, safeties are colliding with halfbacks instead of breaking up passing plays, receivers are running to incorrect spots on the field, and offensive lines are looking like Swiss cheese to opposing pass rushers."

"...If the Bisons show up, they win. It’s that simple."

It would be great to know what brought this on... sure there is frustration around the Simon Fraser football program, which is coming up on back-to-back 0-8 seasons, but usually it's kept out of the public realm.
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