Women's Soccer: CIS alumna scores as Canada draw Brazil

For those wondering what the level of play in CIS women's soccer is like, Canada's 2 - 2 draw with Brazil yesterday might give some evidence.

Former Vert et Or player Josée Bélanger scored the first goal of the game on the sort of header that takes skill--a nice little deflection after an intelligent run into the box.

The game is very well described on Canadian Soccer News by Daniel Squizzato and there are video highlights on that page. As the article states, it's a great result for women's soccer in Canada. It's not every day Canada holds Brazil to a draw in Brazil.

There will be a trickle down effect if the success continues, especially if we perform well at the 2011 World Cup. The effect may not be tangible for general sports people, but it's hard for women's soccer fans like me not to get a bit excited for the future of the women's game as a whole when our national team does so well. If the attention and results continue, interest grows and attendance can grow as well.

A potential 2015 Women's World Cup bid for Canada is on the horizon. This is an exciting time. As Squizzato writes, the momentum is maybe the most important thing. That goes for women's soccer as a sport overall, too.

There are few enough opportunities to watch high quality women's soccer in Canada, especially outside of Ontario and British Columbia. Bélanger goes to show that the CIS level of play is nothing to turn up one's nose at. That's a positive sign, and an exciting one.
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