Football: Ex-Dino Rashaun Simonise makes 47-yard reception in NFL preseason

Rashaun Simonise made the most of his limited exposure in the Cincinnati Bengals' exhibition opener, suffice to say.

The former Calgary Dinos receiver turned a quick slant into a 47-yard reception during Cincinnati's 17-16 defeat against the Minnesota Vikings on Friday night. Who needs a waggle?
The first exhibition comes before the cutdown from 90 to 80 players. Cincinnati is looking at a lot of receivers to draw in on the depth chart beneath A.J. Green, who may or may not have helped a certain bloggist win his fantasy league last fall. Another rookie receiver housed an 80-yard punt return touchdown, which probably didn't help anyone else's cause.

Be that as it may, that is 'Canada West speed,' people. For Simonise, who started exploring pro options after being declared academically ineligible to play for Calgary, his floor might be a shot on the practice squad. He's 6-foot-5, fleet of foot and only 21, so to the Bengals, retaining Simonise could almost be like getting a tiny jump on starting their 2017 rookie class.
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