Basketball: Checking in with the '11-12 CCAA standouts

Earlier this year we identified a dozen CCAA players (women's, men's) who would make the jump to CIS. How many of them are actually on CIS rosters?

(Spoiler: two.)



  • Rob Gagliardi: Another "unknown." Not with Durham, not in CIS.

  • Richard Townsend-Gant: "still training hard in Portland and is investigating some professional playing opportunities in Turkey", or so says former teammate and fellow Oregon native Brandon Jones.

  • Khalid Abdel-Gabar: Not on the Sheridan roster, likely graduated.

In the 2011-12 season, there were about six who made the jump after being identified here (and, of course, several others who transferred without putting up the kind of CCAA stats that would get them noticed in this series). All but one of those six were men's players, whereas this year the only ones who transferred were on women's teams. Not that that's significant or anything, but without anything else of note, it's the only trend we can notice.
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